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Amphibolites with eclogite pods in the Makuti Group

Within the Makuti Group there are garnet-clinopyroxene-hornblende gneisses (amphibolites) that contain lenses of eclogite having igneous (corona-textured) and metamorphic (garnet-omphacite) textural associations (Broderick, 1980, 1982; Dirks and Sithole, 1999).  Dirks and Sithole (1999) found peak P-T conditions of metamorphism for the eclogites of c. 19 kb, 760 ± 25°C. The surrounding amphibolitic gneisses were metamorphosed under P-T conditions of 11 ± 1.5 kb, 730 ± 50°C.

Maliyami Formation Agglomerate

3.6km past the Gweru river bridge, coming from Kwekwe, look out for large boulders of agglomerate rocks on both sides of the tarred road.

Together with amygdaloidal and porphyritic andesitic lavas, phyllites and cherts, these agglomerates form the Maliyami Formation of the Bulawayan Supergroup which in the Gweru-Vungu Valleys area represents the larger portion of the greenstone belt.

Sentinel Ranch Dinosaur Fossils

The dinosaur Massospondylusis abundant in the Mpandi Formation. It is imbedded in calcareous fine-grained sandstone. Animal fossils are only found in the Mpandi formation in this area. The picture shows the hind-end of the dinosaur. The dinasour is thought to have been carnivorous and capable of running fast on its two large hind legs. The fore limbs were relatively short and the hands had a grasping thumb and three fingers

Victoria Falls

Our understanding of the geology of Victoria Falls and surroundings is underpinned by the meticulous studies and exceptional field observational skills of a remarkable group of geologists. Initial geological field investigations were carried out by AJC Molyneux and GW Lamplugh in the early 1900’s. HB Maufe (in 1938) made exceptionally detailed descriptions and prescient interpretations of the Kalahari beds exposed in railway cuttings just south of Victoria Falls Station. Seventy-five years later, these are arguably still the best available records of these enigmatic sediments.

Fumure Circular Feature

A 1.2km diameter circular structure was visited by the Geological Society in Ocotber 2008 to look for evidence of a meteorite impact.

No conclusive evidence was found.

See the attached document with photos of the various features of the structure.  Despite the confident tone of this document, this structure has not been confirmed as an impact site.



Makuti Group paragneisses

Makuti Group paragneisses, exposed within the Zambezi Escarpment.
Exposures of paragneisses of the Neoproterozoic Makuti Group which are flat-lying, but highly deformed and metamorphosed. Good examples of boudinage can be seen in quartzo-feldspathic psammitic bends intercalated with politic and semi-pelitic schists. Brecciated dolomitic marbles can be seen close to the escarpment fault. Munyanyiwa et al.

Basal Shamvaian unit

Speactacular outcrop of the basal Shamvaian conglomerate showing pressure dissolution structures as well as well-preserved cross-stratifications.

On the same outcrop, a 1m-wide porphyry cross-cuts the Shamvaian sandstone/siltstone unit
