Orpheus Mine
Submitted by Andrew du Toit on Wed, 29/10/2014 - 10:31 | Last updated: Wed, 29/10/2014 - 11:03

Grid Ref (WGS84 Lat/Long in decimal degrees)
-19.095229, 29.761155
On Penwarden Farm approximately 8 kilometres by dirt road due south of Ziscosteel.
Redcliff Jaspilite Formation Upper Bulawayan Group
Orpheus Mine lies in the Iron-formation of the western limb of the Redcliff Jaspilite Formation. The ore is a hard, dense, grey haematite enclosed by, and derived from, a finely banded grey and red Iron-formation. It is believed that the ore is of hypogene origin although supergene processes have not been ruled out. The ore has formed by the leaching of silica-rich bands and possible infilling of iron. Faulting of the Iron-formation and associated clastic sediments has taken place and separates the orebody from the nearby Beacon Tor deposit. The faulting could have played a role in the ore genesis.
Further Reading:
P.E. Cheshire, A. Leach and S.A. Milner
Zimbabwe Geological Survey Bulletin No. 86
The Geology of the Country between Gwelo and Redcliff.
Salisbury 1980