Isoclinally infolded remnant of amphibolite schists, intruded by unmetamorphosed Kamativi Dyke Swarm dolerite dyke
Grid Ref (WGS84 Lat/Long in decimal degrees)
At the sign that marks 40 km to Gwayi River, there is a roadcut exposure of isoclinally folded amphibolite and biotite schists which was mapped by Lockett (1979a), who regarded it as a tightly infolded remnant of the Malaputese supracrustal sequence, surrounded by basement granitoid gneisses. It may possibly be a large raft or xenolith, or even a roof pendant, of the Palaeoproterozoic post-Magondi biotite granodiorites that are found close by (Stop 8), containing numerous biotite-rich schlieren. At the SE end of the roadcut, there is a prominent exposure, with large rounded boulders, of one of the dolerite dykes that make up the Kamativi Dyke Swarm (Wilson et al., 1987). This dyke swarm has not yet been dated, and no palaeomagnetic work has yet been done on its dykes.