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Inyantue Formation paragneisses, and Pb claims near Elbas Mine

Grid Ref (WGS84 Lat/Long in decimal degrees)

-18.442452, 26.781549
Elbas Mine
Inyantue Formation

Exposures of isoclinally folded Inyantue Formation paragneisses in the Inyantue River, near Elbas Pb Mine. The gneisses were interpreted as metamorphosed argillaceous sediments and greywackes Lockett, 1979a,b). These gneisses are also invaded by tourmaline-bearing muscovite pegmatites. Alongside the dirt track on the far side of the Inyantue River, there are prospecting pits dug for argentiferous galena, which was mined at the Elbas Mine some 2 km away. Samples collected from these pits show a black oxidized mineral, which may be minium or massicot, both black Pb oxides formed from the oxidation of galena. Galena from the Elbas Mine was shown by Master (1991) to have a concordant 207Pb/206Pb age of ca. 1.18 Ga, which is the same age as the younger granites within the Choma-Kalomo Batholith in Zambia (Hanson et al, 1988; Master et al., 2013b)

Further Reading: 
Geological Society of Zimbabwe Annual Summer Symposium, Victoria Falls, 28-30 November 2013, Field Excursion Guidebook "An Introduction to the geology and geochronology of the Dete-Kamativi Inlier" by Dr Sharad Master of the Economic Geology Research Institute, School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa,
Author Credit: 
Sharad Master